The Story of Neica

Adoption, no matter what, has unspeakable loss at its heart.  There is absolutely no getting around that.  The five years Neica has been with us is the longest period of time she has ever been in the same house with the same family. My thoughts and feelings around this truth are still too difficult to speak.  But God, in His beautiful Love and Mercy, really really is working ALL things together for good.

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Haiti Calls, part 3: Ayiti Cheri mwen

Often on medical trips there are team members who have never journeyed to Haiti before, and Haiti can be quite challenging on any number of levels. On the 5th or 6th of the 7-8 night trip, we usually discuss the “re-entry” process and what that can entail upon arriving back home. I encourage my teammates […]

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Haiti Calls, a story in three parts. . . Part 1: Maggie

When one tells a story, it is usually best to begin at the beginning and allow the story to unfold as it will. . .   Once upon a time, a young man and his bride found themselves quite unintentionally pregnant with their second (his fourth) baby girl. Her name was Zaccheus until they learned […]

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