Where Have All the Forks Gone?

Where have all the forks gone? It’s less than one week until Thanksgiving; I am thinking about the table. There’s something distinctly beautiful about a well-laid table. . . Sigh. . . maybe someday. In my house roam female teenagers, LOTS of them. Our family has a collection of mismatched, cracked, and chipped dishes. Greg […]

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Haiti Calls, a story in three parts. . . Part 1: Maggie

When one tells a story, it is usually best to begin at the beginning and allow the story to unfold as it will. . .   Once upon a time, a young man and his bride found themselves quite unintentionally pregnant with their second (his fourth) baby girl. Her name was Zaccheus until they learned […]

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The Eve of the Eve

Ahhh. That “most wonderful time of year.” Christmas. School is out; presents are bought and wrapped and gently placed under the tree. All that’s left is some lovely cooking, a passionate Christmas Eve worship service, and that “long winter’s nap” during which the big guy in red makes his magical appearance. The shalom and solace […]

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